Source code for

"""Generic GitHub event containers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import pathlib
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import (
    TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Mapping, TextIO, Type, Union, cast,

from gidgethub.sansio import Event as _GidgetHubEvent

import attr

# pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from ...utils.asynctools import aio_gather
# pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from ..utils.event_utils import (
    augment_http_headers, parse_event_stub_from_fd, validate_http_headers,

    # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
    from import OctomachineryRouterBase

__all__ = 'GitHubEvent', 'GitHubWebhookEvent'

def _to_uuid4(value: Union[str, uuid.UUID]) -> uuid.UUID:
    """Return a UUID from the value."""
    if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
        return value

    return uuid.UUID(value, version=4)

def _to_dict(value: Union[Mapping[str, Any], bytes, str]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    """Return a dict from the value."""
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return value

    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        value = value.decode()

    return json.loads(cast(str, value))

[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class GitHubEvent: """Representation of a generic source-agnostic GitHub event.""" name: str """Event name.""" payload: Mapping[str, Any] = attr.ib(converter=_to_dict) """Event payload object.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use @payload.validator def _is_payload_dict( self, attribute: str, value: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> None: """Verify that the attribute value is a dict. :raises ValueError: if it's not """ if isinstance(value, dict): return raise ValueError( f'{value!r} is passed as {attribute!s} but it must ' 'be an instance of dict', )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls: Type[GitHubEvent], event_name: str, event_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], ) -> GitHubEvent: """Construct a GitHubEvent instance from event name and file.""" # NOTE: This could be async but it probably doesn't matter # NOTE: since it's called just once during init and GitHub # NOTE: Action runtime only has one event to process # NOTE: OTOH it may slow-down tests parallelism # NOTE: so may deserve to be fixed with pathlib.Path(event_path).open() as event_source: return cls(event_name, json.load(event_source))
[docs] @classmethod def from_fixture_fd( cls: Type[GitHubEvent], event_fixture_fd: TextIO, *, event: str = None, ) -> GitHubEvent: """Make a GitHubEvent from a fixture fd and an optional name.""" headers, payload = parse_event_stub_from_fd(event_fixture_fd) if event and 'x-github-event' in headers: raise ValueError( 'Supply only one of an event name ' 'or an event header in the fixture file', ) event_name = event or headers['x-github-event'] return cls(event_name, payload)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fixture( cls: Type[GitHubEvent], event_fixture_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], *, event: str = None, ) -> GitHubEvent: """Make a GitHubEvent from a fixture and an optional name.""" with pathlib.Path(event_fixture_path).open() as event_source: return cls.from_fixture_fd(event_source, event=event)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gidgethub(cls, event: _GidgetHubEvent) -> GitHubEvent: """Construct GitHubEvent from from GidgetHub Event.""" return cls( name=event.event,, )
[docs] def to_gidgethub(self) -> _GidgetHubEvent: """Produce GidgetHub Event from self.""" return _GidgetHubEvent( data=self.payload,, delivery_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), )
[docs] async def dispatch_via( self, *routers: OctomachineryRouterBase, ctx: Mapping[str, Any] = None, ) -> Iterable[Any]: """Invoke this event handlers from different routers.""" if not routers: raise ValueError('At least one router must be supplied') if ctx is None: ctx = {} return await aio_gather(*( r.dispatch(self, **ctx) for r in routers ))
[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class GitHubWebhookEvent(GitHubEvent): """Representation of a GitHub event arriving by HTTP.""" delivery_id: uuid.UUID = attr.ib(converter=_to_uuid4) """A unique UUID4 identifier of the event delivery on GH side.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use @delivery_id.validator def _is_delivery_id(self, attribute: str, value: uuid.UUID) -> None: """Verify that the attribute value is UUID v4. :raises ValueError: if it's not """ if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID) and value.version == 4: return raise ValueError( f'{value!r} is passed as {attribute!s} but it must ' 'be an instance of UUID v4', )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls: Type[GitHubWebhookEvent], event_name: str, event_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], ) -> GitHubWebhookEvent: """Explode when constructing from file.""" raise RuntimeError( 'Webhook event is not supposed to be constructed from a file', )
[docs] @classmethod def from_fixture_fd( cls: Type[GitHubWebhookEvent], event_fixture_fd: TextIO, *, event: str = None, ) -> GitHubWebhookEvent: """Make GitHubWebhookEvent from fixture fd and optional name.""" headers, payload = parse_event_stub_from_fd(event_fixture_fd) if event and 'x-github-event' in headers: raise ValueError( 'Supply only one of an event name ' 'or an event header in the fixture file', ) headers['x-github-event'] = event or headers['x-github-event'] headers = augment_http_headers(headers) validate_http_headers(headers) return cls( name=headers['x-github-event'], payload=payload, delivery_id=headers['x-github-delivery'], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_fixture( cls: Type[GitHubWebhookEvent], event_fixture_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], *, event: str = None, ) -> GitHubWebhookEvent: """Make a GitHubWebhookEvent from fixture and optional name.""" with pathlib.Path(event_fixture_path).open() as event_source: return cls.from_fixture_fd(event_source, event=event)
[docs] @classmethod def from_http_request( cls: Type[GitHubWebhookEvent], http_req_headers: Mapping[str, str], http_req_body: bytes, ): """Make a GitHubWebhookEvent from HTTP req headers and body.""" return cls( name=http_req_headers['x-github-event'], payload=json.loads(http_req_body.decode()), delivery_id=http_req_headers['x-github-delivery'], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_gidgethub(cls, event: _GidgetHubEvent) -> GitHubWebhookEvent: """Construct GitHubWebhookEvent from from GidgetHub Event.""" return cls( name=event.event,, delivery_id=event.delivery_id, )
[docs] def to_gidgethub(self) -> _GidgetHubEvent: """Produce GidgetHub Event from self.""" return _GidgetHubEvent( data=self.payload,, # pylint: disable=no-member delivery_id=self.delivery_id, )
class GidgetHubEventMixin: """A temporary shim for GidgetHub event interfaces. It's designed to be used during the refactoring period when interfacing with the new event representation layer :py:class:`~GitHubEvent`. """ @property def data(self): """Event payload dict alias.""" warnings.warn( "Relying on GidgetHub's event class interfaces will be deprecated " "in the future releases. Please use 'payload' attribute to access " 'the event name instead.', category=PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # pylint: disable=fixme return self.payload # type: ignore[attr-defined] # FIXME @property def event(self): """Event name alias.""" warnings.warn( "Relying on GidgetHub's event class interfaces will be deprecated " "in the future releases. Please use 'name' attribute to access " 'the event name instead.', category=PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # pylint: disable=fixme return # type: ignore[attr-defined] # FIXME class GidgetHubActionEvent(GidgetHubEventMixin, GitHubEvent): """GitHub Action event wrapper exposing GidgetHub attrs.""" class GidgetHubWebhookEvent(GidgetHubEventMixin, GitHubWebhookEvent): """GitHub HTTP event wrapper exposing GidgetHub attrs."""